Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Deployed Auxilarists Still Hard At Work

Our deployed Auxilarists are back at it again for another day of hard work with the U.S. Coast Guard.

Trevor Henderson is at the North Dakota State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) working with the Coast Guard. The Coast Guard has brought a tremendous amount of assets to help North Dakota and Minnesota and Trevor gets to see it first hand.

Jeff Towle is back at the Minnesota SEOC working with the Coast Guard. With the winds following the snow storm all eyes are on the waves and levees today.

Nick Critelli is back at the Moorehead, MN Emergency Operations Center today. He had a very successful radio interview with Bradshaw on 98.3 WOW FM in Des Moines yesterday. He was able to explain why the Coast Guard is in North Dakota and Minnesota helping during the flooding and how the Coast Guard is there to help the states who are affected by this disaster.

The Coast Guard undertook its 95th rescue of this flood relief operation yesterday. Our Auxilarists are proud to be able to help in their way with this epic flooding.

Coast Guard Lieutenant John Ott (left) and Auxilarist Trevor Henderson monitor the weather conditions as a blizzard bares down on North Dakota from their post at the North Dakota State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC)
(Photo courtesy of Auxilarist Trevor Henderson)