Saturday, April 10, 2010

Winter is Gone, Time For Training

Auxilarist Marty Robey (left) and Trevor Henderson practice throwing a line to a person in distress during boat crew training.
(U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary by Doug Jansen)

Now that our harsh winter is in the past, members of the flotilla are continuing their training to prepare them for qualification as boat crew members. New boat crew trainees were given an orientation to our Coast Guard Auxiliary vessels. Hands on skills such as knot tying and throw bag deployment was also taught.

Boat crew students included Bill Eggers, Trevor Henderson, Marty Robey, Chris Shade and Ralph Tomlinson.

During boat crew training Auxilarist Ralph Tomlinson ties a fender to the boat during boat crew training.
(U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary by Doug Jansen)

Auxilarist Trevor Henderson learns how to tie a fender to the Lady Grace during boat crew training.
(U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary by Doug Jansen)