Friday, March 19, 2010

Flotilla Members Deploy to North Dakota for Flood Relief Mission

Thursday 3 members of Flotilla 4 deployed to North Dakota to help support the Coast Guard flood response. Gene Kellogg of Cedar Rapids, Roland Newton of Ames and Ralph Tomlinson of Humboldt are currently in North Dakota at different locations.

Auxilarists Ralph Tomlinson and Gene Kellogg will help augment Coast Guard operations personnel to coordinate responses to requests from local and state agencies to help with the response to the flooding along the Red River.

Auxilarist Roland Newton will work with Coast Guard personnel to help aid in communications between Coast Guard assets deployed throughout North Dakota. These individuals were called upon because of their experience in helping to provide a similar function during the Iowa floods of 2008.

Last year, several members of Flotilla 4 were deployed to North Dakota and Minnesota to support Coast Guard flood relief operations along the Red River.

Auxilarist Roland Newton works communications during an event in Des Moines in August. He is one of 3 flotilla members who have been dispatched to North Dakota to assist with flood relief.
(U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary Photo by Doug Jansen)